How does this Referral program Add-on work?


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The incredible Referral Add-on is built to be totally plug-&-play. Comes with a robust set of APIs using which you can connect it to any Cryptocurrency exchange (built on any technology).

  • Once this Add-on is integrated, it can be made to appear any page in your exchange.

  • This module is built to automatically deduct the Referral points earned by your users against the trading fees you have set.

  • Each user while registering will get a unique REFERRAL CODE, which he can distribute to people to register.

  • This Add-on is programmed to supply Referral points to both the registered user and the person who has referred. The amount of points for each party can be configured from the Admin panel.

  • All the settings of this add-on can be configured from the powerful admin panel that comes with this module.

  • Also you can choose which Fiat currency you use in your exchange > Set the equivalent value of the earned points in the respective currency Eg: 50 points = $1 USD -or- 30 points = 0.5 EURO

  • You can manage all the users and also check which user referred who.

  • You can also easily choose a particular user and add/edit the number of Referral points he has.

  • This sleek Referral module comes with a ON/OFF switch. You can turn it ON and OFF at will and it will accordingly show up inside your exchange. It is built to create NIL impact, even if turned off suddenly.

  • Also can be displayed as a widget inside users profile page to show the number of points he /she has earned so far and in what all transactions the points have been used so far.

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OG Software Solutions PVT LTD

Prince Infocity II,

Unit No. 107H, 23BH, Old Mahabalipuram Rd,

Chennai, India – 600096

Phone : +91 904 35 88 904.


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